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Major Government Procurements on agenda at Securetech 2015

OCSC2 will change landscape of military procurement of textiles
by Bob Kirke, posted on 11:51 AM, November 2, 2015

Major government contracts will be featured at Securetech 2015 Conference 

Securetech 2015, scheduled for November 25-26, 2015 in Ottawa will feature presentations by the Department of National Defence on a number of large apparel contracts tendered by the federal government - in particular the Operational Clothing and Footwear Consolidation Contract (OCFC2)

The conference program on the afternoon of Wednesday Nov. 25th features a full agenda relating to textiles and apparel.  We wanted to highlight an important presentation led by the Department of National Defense.  This presentation will allow industry to receive information concerning OCFC2  from each of the departments involved - namely:

  • Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC),
  • Industry Canada and
  • Department of National Defence (DND).

This presentation include an overview of the OCFC2 program and different aspects of the procurement process, including the Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) and Value Proposition policies. Breakout sessions with representatives of the different departments will allow the departments to field questions.  
Owing to the high level of interest in this contract, representatives of the three departments will also be available for one-on-one meetings with companies on November 25th, and later in the week following the show.  The purpose of these presentations and meetings is to hear questions or concerns from individual companies re.the new program and especially ideas on how to address these concerns as OCFC2 is delivered.   Companies that want to attend these sessions need to register for the Securetech conference:



Make sure to register for the Conference  "Personal Protective Equipment Track: Nov. 25th"

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