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Featured Story > The Canadian Apparel Federation welcomes launch of Free Trade talks with Japan

The Canadian Apparel Federation welcomes launch of Free Trade talks with Japan

posted on 6:55 AM, March 26, 2012
The Canadian government has launched Free Trade Negotiations with Japan. The Canadian Apparel Federation (CAF) sees the benefits this agreement has to the apparel industry and urges that it move forward quickly.

OTTAWA – March 25, 2012 – The Canadian Apparel Federation (CAF) welcomed the announcement by Prime Minister Stephen Harper that Canada and Japan are launching Free Trade Negotiations.  

According to CAF President Elliot Lifson, “We strongly support this development as it promises to create new export opportunities for Canadian apparel manufacturers and designers.”

“Japan is the third largest export market for Canadian fashion, behind the United States, and Europe, and a Free Trade Agreement has the potential to expand trade between the two countries”, he added.

CAF Executive Director Bob Kirke noted that a free trade with Japan should be based on commercially viable rules of origin.  These rules, contained in all free trade agreements, determine whether goods qualify for tariff elimination.  “Our industry wants to see rules of origin that give maximum opportunities for Canadian exporters,” he said.

“A Canada –Japan FTA should include a  single-transformation rule of origin for apparel – meaning that apparel qualifies for free trade if it is manufactured  in Canada from raw materials  sourced from anywhere in the world," he concluded.

The Federation also urged the Canadian government to move forward on this and other agreements of importance to the industry (especially the Canada-Europe 
Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) Negotiations)  as quickly as possible in order for the benefits of these agreements to take effect. 

About the Canadian Apparel Federation:

The Canadian Apparel Federation (CAF) is the national association for Canada's apparel industry. CAF stands up for the industry, and is a reliable source for information and advice on national and international issues, and for industry-specific services.  CAF is made up of firms from across the country, and represents the entire industry - from small suppliers to national brands and vertically integrated retailers.

For further information, contact:

Bob Kirke
Executive Director
Canadian Apparel Federation
613-231-3220 ext. 224


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